Mission work Homa Bay county, Alara / Kagan region of western Kenya 2018 and a short view of Kigulu HIV/AIDs orphanage in Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya
DISCIPLES MAKING DISCIPLES -- Discipleship Group Seminar held at the Baptist Chapel Rodi,
Rodi Town Kenya; Pastor Daniel Gumba. Twenty-five believers came together from multiple regions of
Kenya to attend this one day seminar. Message was delivered by Brother Elly Abour from Acts 1:8.
Each attendee received a copy of "Growing Up, How to be a Disciple who makes Disciples" by Robby Gallaty.
Breakout discussion groups were formed for the remainder of the day followed by discussions aimed at developing
year long accountability partners.
AMAZING GRACE REIVIAL -- Following a week of preaching, praise, worship daily alter calls, and door to door walks, 61 blessed souls accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!! All were baptized in the Maugo River. OPAK NYASAYE!!
NGETA DISTRICT REVIVAL -- Lake Victoria, Kenya. Preaching the Gospel and daily altar calls plus door to door walks saw 58 men, women, and children accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and were baptized at Obaria Beach in Lake Victoria.
Our Bible distribution program began in 2018. Through the efforts of
Evangelist Elly Abour and Pastor Daniel Gumba of Homa Bay,
we were able to distribe over 300 Bibles prior to the pandemic.
Then in 2021, by the Grace, of God we were introduced to Pastor Robert Moinde of Kisii, and the program resumed. Now, hundreds of bibles are being distributed yearly throughout the Mara regions of Kenya and Tanzania, and into Uganda, and Rwanda by Pastor Robert and Pastoral staff from Kisii, Kenya.
Mungu ni mwema.
Clean water is more often than not difficult to find as well as transport.
Springs are readily available in many areas such as in and around Kisii, but have yet to be properly harnessed.
Open water sources are always shared by animals which creates unclean and dangerous water to consume.
springs can be configured as safe to use with clean water that is also fenced and out of the reach of animals.
In lowland areas without springs and where water is too salty to drill wells, water tank and gutter reclamation systems can be installed.
Alara Kagan Church installed water reclamation system affords the local community safe and healthy drinking water for all.
August 4 - 12
God is awesome and mighty.
During this week at medical camp 220 patients were seen and treated by our staff of Doctors and RNs from both the local community and Texas. Jacob saw to it that over 100 reading glasses were handed out.
Thank you to the Alara Kagan Church for allowing us to come into their community to serve the medical needs of all.
The revival during this week was held outside the church with Pators and choirs coming from as far away as Nairobi. Worship and praise from early morning to late into the night. Many professed Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Saviour during this week and were baptized the following Sabbath, in a local seasonal water pool.... as the roads to the Awach River were completely unpassable!
Praise God for HIs many blessings.
Alara Kagan Chruch altar call during a week long revival
Elders praising God & preparing for a day long discipleship group at Chapel Rodi
God's love for us forever unfailing - baptisms in the Awache River
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and to continue to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ.